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#1: 关于 2021 年丰收月的问题(2021 年 9 月 20 日):

2021 年 9 月 20 日 17:10 自 2020 年初以来,整个地球都陷入了所谓的 covid-19 大流行。 一开始我确实认为这是一次健康紧急情况,但几个月后,越来越明显的是,正在发生更严重、更险恶的事情。 一年半后的今天,很明显一些邪恶的议程正在西方世界展开。 这一切要去哪里? 鉴于目前我们周围发生的疯狂轨迹,未来 5 到 10 年西方世界会是什么样子?


所有内容在从英语翻译成几种其他语言(目前就是这种情况 - 将来的文本可能只有英语,因为翻译需要太多时间)。

正如您所看到的,该问题是在 2021 年 9 月(一年多前)提出的,并对答案的基本评论已完成。 本文写于 2022 年 11 月。为什么会延迟?

延误的原因是由于贾斯汀·特鲁多的医疗暴政,我不得不逃离加拿大(我在那里生活了近 25 年)。 换句话说,一些其他任务优先于在此网站上撰写文章。 现在事情已经安定下来,我决定完成一年前开始的工作。

一年后的今天,似乎 COVID-19 的疯狂高峰已经过去,但正如 Yi Jing 所证实的那样,事情永远不会回到 2020 年之前的状态。如果我们幸运的话,这可能是一件好事,而且还没有发生什么 事实证明,这是一个基于真理、自由、同情心和其他基督教价值观的和平与公正的世界。




有趣的是,易经还说,一切都是好的,最终会带来好运。 现在肯定看起来不像,但是嘿,如果你还没有“接种疫苗”,你很可能会看到易经的预测是多么准确。




易经是一本书,一个没有生命的物体,没有人去操作,易经是毫无用处的。 对《易经》赞叹、仰慕的人很多,甚至发誓它是完美的,但很少有人会否认普通人的不完美。

解释《易经》给出的答案的是人。 这种解释植根于易经提供的文本和图像,但解释者根据自己的知识和信仰,在自己的认知宇宙中建立和描绘自己的叙述。


Covid-19 Pandemic - 这是一场假的流行病没有证据表明 c-19 病毒存在因此:PCR 检测是假的,病例数毫无意义,社会距离、面具、封锁、所有犯罪骗局,“疫苗”是对群众的毒药,作为一种减少人口的方法,也是所谓的第一步Great Reset agenda, 政客和媒体撒谎,科学家撒谎,医生和医疗官员撒谎,监管机构撒谎,大型科技公司和大型制药公司密谋反对这个星球的公民......

人为的气候变化完全骗局,碳税,另一个骗局,电动汽车,完全骗局,人口过剩的星球 - 另一个骗局,粮食短缺和供应链问题 - 故意制造危机,又一个骗局......

世界各国政府都参与其中,所有政府,尤其是澳大利亚、新西兰、加拿大、美国、欧盟、英国、中国和俄罗斯等主要国家。 像白俄罗斯这样的国家不同意封锁,但我没有听到他们表达他们对假疫苗、PCR 检测等的担忧……

Hexagrams received (卦畫 Guà Huà) were:

1) 50. Ting / The Caldron (鼎 dǐng) with changing lines 3 and 4, and

2) 4. Mêng / Youthful Folly (蒙 méng)

The original hexagram (本卦 Běn guà)

First or the Original hexagram is called Dǐng 鼎 , The Caldron.

卦象分析 (卦畫 Guà Huà)


“圣人烹祭神,滋养神”他们的能干的大臣们设宴款待。 我们有灵活服从和敏捷的八卦Intelligence..."


核卦(互卦 Hù Guà)

互锁八卦是☰ ( qián) below ☱ ( duì) , 加入它们就构成了六芒星 43. GUAI ( (guài)) - Resoluteness, Determination, break-through... Exposing the truth is dangerous.

Hexagram name (卦名 Guà Míng)

卦名是一幅祭器图,名叫 鼎 dǐng.

Hexagram statement (卦詞 Guà Cí) also known as The Deciding Remarks (彖辞 Tuàn cí)

THE CALDRON. Supreme good fortune.

Moving lines (动爻 dòng yáo): 3 and 4

Line statements (爻辭 Yáo cí):

The prince’s meal is spilled


原始六芒星阐明了当前情况(关于所提问题),在这种情况下,它概述了截至 2021 年 9 月向易经提出问题时的情况。


鼎是王朝力量和团结的象征,它象征着一个王朝及其统治机构(以及整个社会)的健康和效力,因为很难想象一个运作良好的统治阶级及其完全混乱/道德的臣民 腐败)。


从下往上数,前三行称为 lower trigram (下卦 xià guà) or inner trigram (內卦 nèi guà); the second three lines are called upper trigram (上卦 shàng guà) or outer trigram (外卦 wài guà).  



六芒星中的线表示变化的阶段 - 底线表示变化的初始阶段,而顶线表示变化过程的最后阶段。change.


我们所处的卦象提供了一幅我们的“王朝”(通常被称为西方文明)的图景,并告诉我们我们正处于巨大的变革之中。 这种深刻的变化既影响到普通民众(第三线),也影响到统治阶级(第四线)。



然而,当 Covid-19 的疯狂消退时,大多数人将再次享受西方文明的好处:




第四句的主人公现在的情况很糟糕:鼎的腿被折断了,鼎变得无用了,太子的饭菜洒了(他没有得到营养),他的身体被弄脏了(他的处境很尴尬,可以说 至少)。 整体情况评估为不幸。

这行对于我们的情况至关重要,所以让我们看一下 James Legge 对第四行文本的翻译:

第四个九,未分开,显示了断脚的大锅; 其内容是专为统治者使用而设计的,被推翻并洒了。 它的主体将因羞愧而脸红。 会有邪恶。

通常第四行是大臣行,第五行是皇帝或国王的行,但在我们的情况下 第四行的主体是各国领导人他们步调一致,按照隐藏在幕后的真正掌权者演奏的新冠“流行病”曲调行进。


中国有一个成语:鼎折足(Dǐng zhé zú),意思是“毁坏国家的大臣”

Line positions (爻位 Yáo wèi) 

Ideally in a hexagram the third line would be firm (undivided, Gāng 剛), which is the case here, and the fourth line would be yielding (divided, (Róu 柔)), which is not the case in Ding hexagram. 

因此,第三行最终预示着吉利,第四行预示着不幸。 第四行对于其在卦象中的位置来说太强了。

If first, third and fifth position in a hexagram are firm they are considered to be “upright” (正 Zhèng). 

If second, fourth and sixth position in a hexagram are yielding lines they are also considered to be upright.  

Being upright means to be able to stick to a principle which gives subjects of those lines auspicious prognostication (in most cases).

Being "central" (中 zhōng) and "upright" are the key qualities of hexagram lines (along with "resonance" (应 Yīng) between the lines).

Ding ruling lines (主爻 Zhǔ yáo) are lines 5 and 6 so we will ignore them for now.

Bǐ Yáo 比爻  - Associated or neighbouring lines: In technical terms we can say that our 4th line is riding (乘 chéng) the third line (or that third line is carrying (承 Chéng) the fourth line). Generally speaking riding a firm line (乘刚 Chéng gāng) is not a good idea since the firm line below is pushing forward and trying to (negatively) affect the firm line above (for example the subject of the third line is trying to overthrow the subject of the fourth line).

Since both the third and the fourth lines are changing lines they will change their nature and the third line will become yielding (not upright) and the fourth line will change into a yielding line therefore it will become upright. If only one of the two has to be upright it is better for the fourth line is upright since the fourth line is closer to the ruler (the fifth line) therefore it carries more power. Therefore this type of change gives a reason for optimism.

Clearly what we see here is an image of a Ding which is first seriously damaged (third line) and after that broken/useless (fourth line). Translated into our situation we recognize a civilization which is seriously impaired and soon it will be completely destroyed. 

Its destruction is deliberate, systematic and comprehensive, planned and executed most likely based on the blueprint provided by some very advanced AI algorithm. 

The destruction of the western society has its primary focus on:

1) Destruction of language (without firm grasp on the meaning of words/language resolution of any social conflicts is impossible which further facilitates the destruction of the society). Presently we are at the stage where US supreme court nominee is not able to say what is the meaning of the word woman. That tells you all you need to know about the first point.

2) Destruction of family - western societies have had family as its basic organizing unit, its foundation, however nowadays words like mother and father have become taboo words in the western countries; pre-pubescent children are chemically castrated and surgically mutilated based on the notion that they can choose their gender (it was universally accepted truism that those same kids did not have mental capacity to make other basic decisions such as decision to vote, to drive, to play arcade games, to purchase things online, to apply for a credit card, to open a gmail account etc. yet if those same children decide that as boys they want to become girls this was accepted as reasonable). Animosity and often open hatred between men and women was instigated through psy-ops like #metoo; masculinity has been demonized, femininity frowned upon, homosexuality glorified, pornography widely available, women bombarded with messages implying their infinite victimhood in an evil patriarchal society, motherhood labeled as something shameful, respect for the elderly by younger generation suppressed; men who present themselves as being women are winning women's competitions in spots, beauty pageants... 

3) Destruction of moral standards in the society - public displays of depravity, turpitude  and degeneracy have become common occurrences in the western countries, becoming de facto national holidays, its status elevated to the status of state dogmas, celebrated as expression of freedom. Nothing is off limits for them including child abuse.

4) Destruction of aesthetic standards - God's creations are beautiful. Western standards of beauty are intimately linked with Christian teachings and Christianity inspired works of art. Satan-worshipers are making unceasing effort to destroy everything that is beautiful and promote all sorts of ugliness, disfigurement, monstrousness, hideousness, repulsiveness... 

5) Destruction of trust in leaders, institutions, science, religious leaders, financial system....
If you ever wondered how is it that someone like Joe Biden can become the president of the most powerful country in the world the answer is his presidency is meant to undermine the trust in the political leaders; stolen elections undermine trust in the democratic process; doctors killing their patients in hospitals using "covid protocols" undermines trust in the medical profession; catholic clergy abusing children undermines trust in religion; proclaiming covid "vaccines" safe and effective before they kill tens of millions and injure billions undermines trust in science and regulatory bodies; listening to Bias, Bullshit and Lies spewed by the mainstream media 24/7 undermines trust in the media; out of control money printing undermines the trust in the money as a medium of exchange and store of value... presently you can not trust pretty much anyone or anything that has to do with governments, mainstream media, big tech, big pharma, science, big agriculture/food companies, mainstream medicine.

6) Destruction of the financial system - financial markets, price of precious metals and commodities, real-estate markets have been rigged and manipulated for long time however with the recent blatant attempt to debase practically all major world currencies through endless "printing" of fresh money the destruction of the western financial system entered its terminal phase. Clearly the intention is to replace current monetary system with a new one called CBDC (central bank digital currency) which would give Satan-worshipers total control over the world population using CBDC. They will be able to exclude anyone from the society with a stroke on the keyboard, at their whim.

7) Destruction of independent food production and food supply chain - all western countries, especially Canada, US, NZ have been encouraging rural population to relocate to large urban areas, using abundance of jobs available and good infrastructure as incentives. Food production is almost impossible in urban setting. Recently the Dutch government shamelessly attempted land-grab from the Dutch farmers, other European farmers are bribed into retirement and The Guardian is proclaiming the end of farming. It is vitally important for Satan-worshipers to have full control over the food you eat. For obvious reasons.

8) Destruction of code of life (DNA) - what started out as a profit driven research into modifications of plant DNA molecules by companies like Monsanto in present time extended to the DNA modifications of human beings using mRNA technology in so called "covid vaccines". A new study published by Swedish Lund University in MDPI found that the Pfizer vaccine goes into liver cells and converts to DNA (in vitro). It appears it is not only corn and soybeans that have permanently altered DNA code it is also humans whose DNA makeup has been permanently altered. For Satan-worshipers corrupting human code of life (DNA) would be their crown-achievement since no other creation on Earth is made on God's own image.

9) Destruction of man's relationship with God. This is done by alienating man from Nature (work, food, drinks, medications, entertainment are all disconnected from its primary source - nature), Truth (e.g. JFK, WMD in Iraq, 9/11, Covid-19 pandemic, men can give birth to children...) and Reality (Metaverse anyone?). Nature is important part of God's "portfolio", Truth and Reality are just different names for God.

The fourth line is telling us those who were in charge during the Covid-19 plandemic will get in trouble very soon - it is a matter of days before the hunting season begins.

How can we reconcile what is written above with the hexagram statement which is extremely optimistic:

THE CALDRON. Supreme good fortune.

The reason for that is simple: Yi Jing does not see destruction of a civilization as a bad thing; societies follow a path of development similar to that of plants: germination, seedling, young plant, mature plant, withered plant, plant composted and turned into food for new plants.

Western Society is past its pinnacle and in the long run its destruction will serve its citizens the best. What makes the whole situation uncomfortable is the fact that no one can say for sure what will replace what we currently have. Satan-worshipers are pushing in the direction of a dystopian society where people have less freedom than old-time slaves.

However we are many and they (the Satan-worshipers) are few so they will not be able to achieve their goals unless most of us comply with their satanic plans.

I strongly believe in the end people will choose freedom, truth, justice, beauty and morality instead of their world with supreme values of slavery, lies and deception, ugliness, immorality and injustice.

That is why, in my opinion, prognostication of the Ding hexagram is very optimistic and positive: a rotten society is falling apart, that's a reason for celebration. Ordinary people will suffer but order-followers in the positions of power and trust will pay a heavy price for what they have done. A better new world will come out of this.

Resulting hexagram (之卦 Zhī Guà)

Resulting hexagram is formed when Original hexagram is transformed due to changing (moving) lines. When moving lines change from a firm line to a yielding line and/or yielding line changes into a firm line. In our case two firm lines (3rd and 4th line) changed into two yielding lines.

Resulting hexagram is telling us what is likely to happen in the future given the current pattern of circumstances. In our situation resulting hexagram is telling us what will happen in the next 5-10 years in relation to the Covid-19 "pandemic".

In our situation the resulting hexagram is hexagram #4,  named 蒙 (méng), which is translated into English as "Youthful folly". Other translations include "Covering", "The young shoot", "Discovering", "Immaturity", "Uncultivated Growth", "Youth", "Acquiring Experience", "Youthful Ignorance", "Enveloping", "Folly", "Darkness", "Obtuseness of the youth"

Analysis of the hexagram image (卦畫 Guà Huà)

Its inner (lower) trigram is ☵ (坎 kǎn) gorge = (水) water, and its outer (upper) trigram is ☶ (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain.

This conveys the images of a spring coming out at the foot of the mountain.

Another way to interpret those two trigrams is this: keeping still (as in meditation) is an attribute of the upper trigram whereas abyss is one way to see the lower trigram - hence "Stopping in perplexity on the brink of a dangerous abyss is a symbol of the folly of youth"

Order of Hexagrams ( Xù guà)

The first half of Yi Jing (30 hexagrams) is called Upper Classic (上經 Shàng jīng)  and it is aimed at "explaining the natural law of yin and yang harmony and the unity of all things" - they talk about "the way of heaven" while 34 hexagrams of the Lower classic (下經 Xià jīng) talk about "the way of human beings" about social relations in a society. 

The hexagram sequence (all 64 hexagrams) is arranged according to the law of "非覆即變 Fēi fù jí biàn". 这意味着所有的卦都是成对的,一对中的第二个卦是第一个卦倒过来的,除非那是没有意义的,比如第一和第二个卦,干 (qián) 和坤 (kūn) - 旋转乾 (qián) 沿着水平轴会产生另一个乾 (qián) 因此使用了不同的方法 - 所有六种固体干 (qián) 线被转化为六个屈服线。 因此 坤(kūn)与 配对。乾 (qián).

所以现在我们有一个有趣的情况:我们的问题与社会问题(Covid-19 流行病)有关,但是卦数 4Méng (属于上层经典(上經 Shàng jīng), 卦象序列的前半部分主要与社会问题无关。

这应该不是问题,因为六芒星图像(卦畫 Guà Huà) 总是在第一位,高于所有其他附加材料,如卦名、卦命、行命、卦序等。

Main lines (主爻, or 卦主) in 蒙孟 卦是二卦和五卦,二卦实心,居中,与尺子共振,五卦屈,(弥补了这两卦都不是“upright” (正 Zhèng).

Nuclear Hexagram (互卦 Hù Guà)

互锁八卦是☳ (震 zhèn) shake = (雷) thunder, and its outer (upper) trigram is ☷ (坤 kūn) field = (地) earth , 加入它们就构成了Hexagram #24 - named 復 (Fù), "Returning". 卦名的其他译名包括 转折点、回归的象征、复兴、恢复、重复、更新、恢复、回归之路、循环重复.

显然,一个新的开始的主题隐藏在炉膛里Méng (hexagram.

Opposite hexagram (对卦 Duì guà) also known as 错卦 Cuò guà or "wrong gua"


孟的对卦是#49卦革 (Gé)翻译为革命A废旧.


Hexagram name (卦名 Guà Míng)

名称蒙 méng 六芒星是一幅名为菟丝子(Cuscuta Chinensis)的寄生藤本植物的图画。




Therefore these are the layers of meaning for the 蒙 méng character: 

"dodder (plant); to cover hence hide something underneath, make it vague or hazy, consequently to delude, deceive someone; simple, uneducated, young inexperienced and ignorant; to suffer, to meet with, confront, withstand, brave, face (adversity)".

So for our discussion we can ignore the basic meaning (dodder plant) as it is abundantly clear that this plant is used just to convey the message of covering/hiding something in at least two different scenarios:

1) Covering/hiding with innocent intentions (like in ignorant youth who have all their skills and and abilities covered and in the process of education they will be uncovered or discovered), and

2) Covering/hiding with evil intentions (to deceive or trick someone into doing something bad, harmful for the deceived).

The consequence of the second scenario (covering with evil intentions) would be the third level of meaning of this character: to suffer, confront, withstand, brave (adversity).

Chinese word 启蒙 Qǐméng means to educate very small kids (to enlighten, to free from prejudice, awake somebody from ignorance) - character 启 (trad. 啟) means to open, unfold, unroll, unfasten, disclose. Therefore the Chines of antiquity saw education as the process of removing the veil of ignorance.

Last but not the least the 蒙 méng character is the component character for words "blind" and "darkening of the sky".

Hexagram statement (卦詞 Guà Cí)

Here is the hexagram (蒙 méng) statement in Wilhelm-Baynes translation:

YOUTHFUL FOLLY has success.
It is not I who seek the young fool;
The young fool seeks me.
At the first oracle I inform him.
If he asks two or three times, it is importunity.
If he importunes, I give him no information.
Perseverance furthers.

and here is James Legge's translation:


Meng (indicates that in the case which it presupposes) there will be progress and success. 
I do not (go and) seek the youthful and inexperienced, but he comes and seeks me.
When he shows (the sincerity that marks) the first recourse to divination, I instruct him. 
If he apply a second and third time, that is troublesome; and I do not instruct the troublesome. 
There will be advantage in being firm and correct.

In the hexagram statement we learn several very important facts:

1) There are two key persons in the statement: one is young and foolish/inexperienced and the second one is (presumably) neither young nor ignorant/foolish/inexperienced;

2) The one who is older and wiser is not seeking out the young and foolish, on the contrary, it is up to the young fool to seek the teacher/tutor (education),

3) However if the young fool does the right thing and pursues education with the wise teacher he will have to show respect and trust for the teacher, otherwise instructions will not be provided to the young fool,

4) The statement is narrated by the wise man who may or may not provide instructions and guidance to the young and inexperienced therefore he is likely to be the subject of the  fifth line of this hexagram (which is a yielding line),

5) Being firm and correct (persistent in correct attitude and conduct) will take the young and inexperienced on the right path.

Very important question: which trigram represents the narrator, (the wise educator)? Is it the lower (inner) trigram Gorge ☵ (坎 kǎn)  or the upper (outer) trigram Bound ☶ (艮 gèn) ?

Bin Song in his paper Confucian Philosophy of Education in Hexagram " Meng " (Shrouded) of Yijing claims that the teacher is the subject of the inner trigram (second line) and the inexperienced student is the subject of the outer trigram (the yielding fifth line - humble ruler in pursuit of knowledge from a lowly but wise commoner. Something like Confucius providing instructions to the emperor of China). In Wilhelm-Baynes version of Yi Jing one can find similar explanation.

I respectfully disagree with that interpretation - while this may be the case in certain situations (for example when the emperor is a child so a wise teacher can provide good education to him), I do not think this is the case here. More about that in the text below.

Discussing the meaning of the resulting hexagram

Interpreting the Ding hexagram was fairly straight-forward. Hexagrams deals with a civilization facing dissolution. It is simple to link that idea with our question.

Interpreting Meng hexagram in the context of our question is not nearly as simple (to me).

Even now while writing these words I do not feel I have a full understanding of how to completely meaningfully and clearly connect Meng with the question asked.

I will provide my best guess however if you have your own suggestions please feel free to leave them in the comment section below.

Very often this hexagram (meng) is received when:

a) The inquirer has doubts regarding Yi Jing's ability to provide meaningful answers, or

b) When question being asked is a trivial one - Yi Jing is "bothered" by those kind of question.

One time I got Meng hexagram as the original hexagram when I asked a question which in retrospect amounted to soliciting an investment advice. 

First let's figure out how the hexagram statement relates to the hexagram image.

Let's take a look at this short comment on the trigram ☶ (艮 gèn) - Mountain:

"The trigram Keeping Still, whose symbol is the mountain, is of mysterious significance. Here, in the seed, in the deep-hidden stillness, the end of every thing is joined to a new beginning. Death and life, dying and resurrection—these are the thoughts awakened by the transition from the old year to the new. Thus the cycle is closed."
(From Wilhelm-Baynes translation of Yi Jing)

Can we say that life in its basic form/force symbolized by the trigam ☵ (坎 kǎn) - Water is up against the death and resurrection symbolized by the trigram ☶ (艮 gèn) - Mountain?

Isn't ☶ (艮 gèn) - Mountain a seed of hidden potential, of the world yet to come, of the new beginning?

Generally speaking in a trigram the initial, bottom line represents something not yet in the observable world, the second line represents someone immersed in the world and the third line represents someone removed from the world (yet affecting the world in one way or another).

In a hexagram, similarly, the initial, bottom line represents the stage of change when things are happening but they are not yet manifesting to the observers. Only some people are able to recognize signs or symptoms of the change in that incipient stage. The top (sixth) line similarly represent the stage of change when the described process is, again, in the realm of not so obvious, often heading in the opposite direction relative to the situation described by the fifth line. The difference between the fifth line and the sixth line would be similar to the difference between an emperor ruling a country and that very same emperor retiring to the mountain and becoming a Daoist monk, dedicating the rest of his life to meditation and study of Daoist texts.

In the commentary section of the Yi Jing book it is clearly indicated that the solid second line of the lower trigram is representing the teacher and the yielding sixth line is the ignorant student. This does not make sense to me. Here is why:

Trigram ☵ (坎 kǎn) has never been used as a symbolic representation of wisdom, as far as I know (required to undertake the teacher's role in this hexagram) - Kan symbolizes danger, water:

"The Abysmal is water, ditches, ambush, bending and straightening out, bow and wheel. 

Among men it means the melancholy, those with sick hearts, those with earache."

"It means thieves."

All above mentioned attributes would be easier to assign to a troublesome uneducated child than to a sage-teacher.

On the other hang when we have ☶ (艮 gèn) - Mountain as the upper/outer trigram it is very easy to imagine the top line being a wise adviser (or the teacher) to the ruler represented by the fifth line.

Taking all of that into consideration it is hard for me to see how the firm second line is interpreted as the teacher to the yielding fifth line especially when the hexagram statement clearly tells us that the teacher is not taking any initiative to look for students (lack of initiative is the definition of the yielding line) but uneducated have to take initiative and approach the teacher in order to obtain education (which would fit the second line very well).

It takes quite a bit of arrogance to go against the hexagram interpretation already recorded in the Yi Jing commentary but there you have it. Make of it whatever you please.

In the third hexagram, Sprouting (屯 zhūn), which is paired with the 4th hexagram Meng, the subject of the hexagram is the firm bottom line - the process of change has been initiated in the lower/inner trigram Shake ☳ (震 zhèn) however the outside world (represented by the upper/outer trigram Gorge ☵ (坎 kǎn) is very hostile and dangerous. This makes the process of change in this hexagram perilous - danger lurking outside.

Next hexagram (Meng) is following the same plot - after being born, despite the odds, the subject is not facing direct danger like in hexagram 3 - his situation is a bit better however the environment is still very cold and inhospitable and what is in front of him (or her) is likened to the mountain. Symbolic message here is that something huge and not removable must be acknowledged and one must assume an attitude of reverence - underestimating it will have devastating results therefore "being firm and correct" is the way to deal with that situation. In the end thing will be good but it will take time and patience to get to the other end.

Divination is explicitly mentioned in the hexagram statement because during the time those statements were created (over 2000 years ago) using Yi Jing (primarily for divination purposes) was a pursuit of knowledge in its most genuine form. Divination was then and to some degree is today a way to get answers to the questions that could not be obtained in any other way. It is process of education par excellence.

James Legge recons that the second (solid) line represents parents and the sixth (solid) line represent the ruler therefore this hexagram gives instructions to those two how to deal with ignorant youth.

Unofficial interpretation of the Meng hexagram

This version of interpretation is what I sincerely believe is the real interpretation of the Meng hexagram however I understand that some if not many among you are not Christian so what I am about to say may not resonate with you.

In hexagram Méng 蒙  human being is existing on more or less biological level only, without knowledge or physical strength - it is yet to acquire knowledge (3rd line of the lower trigram) and build its body and make changes in the world surrounding him or her (first line of the lower hexagram). 

However the subject of the lower trigram is born, he is out in the open and he needs to function in the world yet the world that surrounds him is pretty cold. In the previous hexagrm the world was a dangerous place, this time the world is a cold and unforgiving place. Knowledge and experience can be acquired however all depends on the initiative and good faith of the subject of the lower trigram (second, firm line).

I believe that Meng hexagram very precisely describes human position in the world in relation to God.

Lower trigram with its firm second line is symbolic representation of man - the subject of the upper (outer) hexagram is the holy trinity of God the Creator (solid top line), Lord Jesus Christ (yielding fifth line) and Holy Spirit (Yielding fourth line).

The lower trigram is showing us that realistically all we have is our life (firm second line): our intellectual capacity (measured against that of God the Creator) is practically zero; our physical abilities (relative to those of God the Creator) are practically zero.

However if we are sincere and respectful and with attitude of faith and trust ask God the Creator for the guidance the veil of ignorance will be removed from our eyes. 

We do that through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (the yielding fifth line) however we have to do it of our own volition - God has given men and women free will and he is not forcing anyone to do anything.

I believe that Meng hexagram is telling us that the next 5-10 years will be very dark and challenging however if we turn to God the Creator for guidance ("education"), through his Son Jesus Christ, our mind will be open to the Truth (through the workings of the Holy Spirit - the fourth line) and we will pass through this dark period of time unharmed.

Official interpretation of the Meng hexagram

This hexagram is concerned with education of small children, those who just entered the world. What they need the most (even more than the nourishment since that is the next hexagram, the 5th hexagram) is removing the veil of ignorance from their young minds.

In the commentary on hexagrams (in Yi Jing) it is said:

"YOUTHFUL FOLLY means confusion and subsequent enlightenment."

This is the key sentence for interpreting Meng hexagram in the context of our question: next 5-10 years will be years of confusion however with proper "education" (removing the veil of ignorance from our eyes) and persevering in "being firm and correct" the fog of confusion will clear and people will get truthful understanding of what is happening. 

However it is up to each one of us to seek "the teacher" in order to be properly "educated" - we must actively seek information. Those "teachers" who approach us (or shove information down our throats) are not the real teachers, they only want us to remain in the state of confusion.

In the end everything will be good.

A spring wells up at the foot of the mountain:
The image Of YOUTH.
Thus the superior man fosters his character
By thoroughness in all that he does."

One of the first European books on China - read (and download) it for free on Google Books

Athanasii Kircheri E Soc. Jesu China Monumentis Qva Sacris quà Profanis, Nec non variis Naturae & Artis Spectaculis, Aliarumque rerum memorabilium Argumentis Illustrata
Athanasius Kircher  - 1 January 1667
Joannes Janssonius à Waesberge & Elizeus Weyerstraet - Publisher

This book is written in Latin language, which means pretty much no one can read it any more however there are a lot of interesting illustrations in the book.

Another reason for taking a look at the book would be the fact that this was one of the first books published in Europe covering the topic of Chinese civilization (in other words it took Europe two thousand years to notice another important country and culture "just over the hill").

One may say things are not much better even today.

You can find and download this book here.

Test post # 2

Mr Niú Hóng Míng's Calligraphy

This is one of several pieces of calligraphy bought from Mr Niú Hóng Míng (牛宏明) from a small city in Hubei Province in China (the city is called 十堰,  Shíyàn). More information and Mr Niu's contact information can be found here: www.yilongwei.com/board/viewforum.php?f=13

If you want to buy some Chinese calligraphy from Mr. Niu here is his contact information:

This is his address: 


His telephone number is: +86-719-878-3110 

Mr Niu doesn't speak any English.

Test post # 1

64. Wei Chi / Before Completion


 This hexagram indicates a time when the transition from disorder to order is not yet completed.

The change is indeed prepared for, since all the lines in the upper trigram are in relation to those in the lower. However, they are not yet in their places. While the preceding hexagram offers an analogy to autumn, which forms the transition from summer to winter, this hexagram presents a parallel to spring, which leads out of winter's stagnation into the fruitful time of summer.

With this hopeful outlook the Book of Changes come to its close.

 But if the little fox, after nearly completing the crossing,
 Gets his tail in the water,
 There is nothing that would further.

 The conditions are difficult. The task is great and full of responsibility. It is nothing less than that of leading the world out of confusion back to order. But it is a task that promises success, because there is a goal that can unite the forces now tending in different directions. At first, however, one must move warily, like an old fox walking over ice. The caution of a fox walking over ice is proverbial in China. His ears are constantly alert to the cracking of the ice, as he carefully and circumspectly searches out the safest spots. A young fox who as yet has not acquired this caution goes ahead boldly, and it may happen that he falls in and gets his tail wet when he is almost across the water. Then of course his effort has been all in vain. Accordingly, in times "before completion," deliberation and caution are the prerequisites of success.